Instructions for lecturers

Frequently asked questions and answers:

Question: When I start preparing lessons for the ISLS. I checked the website and there are lists of course books listed. Are they simply resources that I could use, or am I expected to use those books?
Also, there are some lesson topics listed. Again, am I obligated to stick to that list or is it simply a guideline?

Answer: The books listed – or at least some of them – will be available for teachers to choose from them and copy, plus a few more books, but you can use any other materials you find relevant for the courses you will teach. Teachers usually also bring their own materials which they like. Actually, copying is done for us, you just write an order and the following day it is ready.
Topics are not fully obligatory, take them rather as suggestions, what you select depends to some extent on the actual students in the group – their ages, interests etc, as well as on their level of English. In addition, there are 3 teachers for each group, you should discuss with the other 2 who will do what.

Q: Is July 29 the last day of classes? When are lecturers to depart?
A: July 29 is the last day of classes. Lecturers must leave the dormitory on Saturday, July 30, until 11.00 a.m. More information at:

Q:. How many hours do you expect me to teach over the period of three weeks?
A: You can ask the language coordinators  – so far they might give you just the estimation. The exact number of hours + the time schedule you will get in the beginning of June.

Q: Are lecturers expected to teach on weekends?
A: There are no lessons during weekends.

Q: Are there extracurricular student activities lecturers will participate in? If yes, are they compensated for in the same manner as teaching hours?
A: The international lecturers are paid only for teaching.

Q:When is the best time to prepare my visa?
A: Get in touch with the Czech Embassy in your country and ask how long does the visa proceedure take. We need your visa ready by June 15.

Q: What is the situation with computer technology and access to internet on campus?
A: Access to university computer labs on campus (from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.) and also in your room at the dormitory (but you must bring your notebook).

Q: Are there laundry facilities in the dorms? Gym?
A: For a small fee (CZK 20) there is a washing machine available. There are 3 washing machines for dormitory.
Gym is accessible on campus.

Q: Will there be shuttle service from Prague airport to Plzen? How about from Plzen to Prague?
A: Usually, 5 days before the Summer School ends, there is a sign up sheet at the Reception desk. You can sign up for shuttle bus service Plzen-Prague.

Q: Will there be Czech lessons available to lecturers?
A: No

Q: Students of what level of proficiency do you anticipate me teach?
A: Probably all ages.

Q: How many students are there in a group? What ages?
A: There is max. 15 students/course

Q: Is there only one bed in the room? Are there cots available for rent?
A: Here are two beds/1 room.
Extra bed is not available.

Q: Is there a closet in the room for clothes? How about a safe for documents and valuables?
A: One closet is avalable/room. No safes.

Q: Could you explain what the numbers in teaching schedule mean? For example: 04.01.
A: 04.01 = class in the course EN 04 = Upper Intermediate.

Q: I need to take a taxi from Prague railway station to the Vaclav Havel airport. What is a reasonable price?
A: You can hire a taxi at the railway station, the best is to find AAA taxi service which is the cheapest and offer reasonable prices. The taxi from railway station to the airport (aprox. 15 km) should cost approx. CZK 400-500.
Tel. number for AAA taxi is: 14014.